With summer rapidly approaching, you are probably preparing to plan yet another family vacation, but with your budget seeming like it is tighter than ever, you may be wondering if it is even possible to afford to plan the same level of fun as you did last year. We all want to be the cool parents, the ones that always do the fun stuff that makes your kids friends jealous. Of course the current state of the economy may put a dent in what you can afford, but there are ways to save money while planning the fun family vacation of the century.
Consider a camping resort. While the term camping may send your kids running for the door, the thought of bugs and dirt may not be quite at the top of their hit parade, but camping resorts offer something different. Camping resorts offer the same feel of camping in the great outdoors but without making you feel like you are “roughing it.” Many offer the same type of amenities that you would expect from a 5 star resort, but without the hefty price tag. This is the perfect alternative to the standard “tourist trap” vacation that may just have your kids talking for months to come.
Look for package deals. If camping is not your thing, make a list of resorts that you and your family would love to visit but just don’t seem to have enough money to afford. Once you have your list, start searching the internet for discounts and deals. You may be surprised to find that you may just be able to afford to visit one of the pricey resorts thanks to all the discount codes you found solely by spending some time to search the internet.